
All COACHING is free

Our qualified coaches provide coaching for new bowlers throughout the year in either individual or group sessions.

There is no fee and we can provide bowls with which you can learn to play.

We do request you ring the Club to make prior arrangements and wear some flat soled shoes.

Come prepared for up to two hours a session comprising theory and practice.

More advanced coaching is available to individual members upon request.

Ring the Club Staff on 9459 9414 for initial contact or coaching coordinator, Laurie Curtis on 043 9083 822

All Thornlie coaches are qualified and have been accredited by Bowls WA.

From the coaching Manual

Terminology  There are many expressions used in the game of bowls, the meaning of which will be learned with experience. Some of these are:-

You are narrow
Means that your bowl will cross under the objective you have played for.

You are wide
Means that the bowl will not come back to the objective that you have played to.

Change your hand
Means to turn the bowl over and deliver on the other side of the centre line.

Wrong bias
A bowl played with the bias side away from the centre line will cause the bowl to curve away from the objective.

Dead bowl
This is a bowl that is out of bounds including being in the ditch without being a toucher or which has not traveled the minimum distance from the mat when delivered. These bowls are removed from play.

This means the playing of the jack and all the bowls of all the opponents in the same direction on a rink. The next end is played in the opposite direction.

This means the jack and such bowls as have come to rest within the boundary of the rink and are not dead.

Jack high
This means when the front of a bowl (the surface nearest the mat) and the front of the jack are level (at right angle to the centre line or imaginary centre line).

This is a bowl that touches the jack when delivered. To identify it as such, it is marked with a chalk mark so that if it should be moved into the ditch (within the boundaries) it remains in play.

Place the mat as required by the laws or as directed by the skip.
Assist the skip align the jack on the centre line of the rink.
Help to return bowls to a safe position behind the mat at the conclusion of each end.

The home team second should introduce all the players to each other.
Help to return bowls to a safe position behind the mat at the conclusion of each end.

Be in charge of head when skips are bowling or inCoaching is always available to individual members on request. The coaching panel is always available and happy to help or advise on bowling problems. the absence of the skip.
If delegated to measure for shot decide with the opponent the number of shots and signal result to skip and second.
Help to return bowls to a safe position behind the mat at the conclusion of each end.
Must know the teams bowls.
Answer skips queries correctly and concisely.

To be in charge of the team, delegate duties and notify opponent when necessary.
Keep score card and scoreboard being careful to check the score with their opponent after each end. Instruct the players which shot to play.
Make decisions with opponent to comply with the laws of the game.
Return score card to appropriate authority.


Do be correctly attired.
Do introduce yourself to both players.
Do be conversant with the ownership of bowls.
Do note that the mat is correctly laid and aligned before aligning the jack.
Do align the jack after it comes to rest.
Do retire to a position about 2-3 metres behind the jack and 1.5 metres to one side.
Do keep your shadow away from the head or that of the adjoining rink.
Do remain motionless, with eyes fixed on the player in position of the mat.
Do watch for signals from the player in position of the mat.
Do be alert and in a position to observe if a bowl becomes a toucher. If so, mark it before the next bowl completes it’s course.
Do answer all questions briefly, with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ if the answer if the answer is not misleading, and only to the bowler whose turn it is next       to bowl.
Do walk from end to end midway between the centre of the rink and the boundary line.
Do remove a dead bowl immediately – take care of one on or near the boundary line. The players will determine if this is dead.
Do keep clear of the head when the players arrive – they determine the result, not you.
Do call the score every end. naming first the player who won the end.
Do place the score on the board every second end.
Do sign the score card after each player has done so and hand it to the proper official after the match.

Don’t Move about when the player is on the mat.
Don’t stop a prematurely played bowl UNLESS requested by the opponent.
Don’t stop the jack before it completes rolling.
Don’t move in to see who has the shot unless asked.
Don’t answer questions being asked on an adjacent rink.
Don’t say a shot is doubtful if it is not really so.
Don’t invite the player to inspect the head.
Don’t give a misleading answer to a badly worded question.
Don’t supplement your answer with information not asked for.
Don’t become interested in the game on the next rink.
Don’t talk to spectators on the bank.
Don’t applaud either player.
Don’t lean over sideways to assist a bowl to wick or miss.
Don’t stop a bowl played out of turn UNLESS requested by either player.
Don’t remove the shot bowl or disturb the head.
Don’t tell the player who has the shot when they arrive, or how many in any way.
Don’t challenge the length of a head.

Note: A marker may, at his own discretion measure an end if so requested by both players. If not satisfactory to either player, the player must call the umpire and the umpire’s decision is final. You will find it undesirable to measure, as there is an umpire appointed, so let him make the decision.

Note: LAW 4 ‘Duties of Officials’ should be studied by all Umpires and Markers.